Salwan Public School in Ghaziabad hosted the CBSE Cluster XIX Athletic Meet which was held on 29th to 31st October 2023. The school welcomed over 1000 athletes from 17 districts across Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand, competing in close to 60 final events in the Under-14, Under-17, and Under-19 categories. Distinguished guests, including Shri Arun Dixit (SDM Loni), Shri Om Prakash Yadav (Basic Shiksha Adhikari), Ms. Ruby Kumar (Dean, Sports), and Prof. Neeraj Chandra (Chairman, Salwan Public School), graced the event. The inauguration was celebrated with a balloon release symbolizing the spirit of glory, followed by vibrant cultural performances. The meet concluded with a grand closing ceremony on October 31st, celebrating the achievements of the athletes.