SET Educational Tour of Students – January 2020

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The Educational Tour to the College of Military Engineering (CME), Kirkee and National Defence Academy (NDA), Kharagwasla in Pune, Armoured Corps Centre & School, Ahemadnagar and Ellora Caves, Aurangabad was organised for the students of Salwan schools, under the aegis of SET. It has been a wonderful and lifetime experience for the group of 29 students. The student’s group was accompanied by two teachers – Ms. Neelima Goyal from SPS Mayur Vihar and Ms. Anuradha Sharma from SPS Trans City Ghaziabad. Hony. Capt. Balwan Singh, from GD SPS, Rajendernagar was given the responsibility to coordinate administrative requirements, including transport, boarding and lodging. The group was led by Brig. (Dr.) A.K. Tyagi, Director, SPS Mayur Vihar.

It has been a memorable and inspirational experience for the students. It gave them an opportunity to visit the premier Defence Training Establishments, like NDA, CME and ACC & S. Students could closely observe the life of NDA Cadets and Men in olive green. Demonstration of Engineers equipment, laying of different types of bridges in record time against all the odds, laying and breaching of mines with precision, etc. have been registered in the memory lanes of students. Live firing by Tanks and Mechanised Infantry Personnel Vehicles was a unique and most thrilling experience for all. Cavaliers Tank Museum houses the Tanks and other equipment, some of them of First World War vintage. Patton Tank captured from Pak Army attracted the attention of all. The group got thrilled with the bumpy tank ride, arranged at Ahemdnagar.

The Staff and Group of Students are thankful to Salwan Education Trust for providing this lifetime opportunity to visit these different places and gain such a wonderful experience. Overall it has been an educative and thrilling experience for all.

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